He's making a list
And checking it twice.
Gonna find out
Who's naughty and nice.
Santa Claus is comin' to town.

Naughty and Nice is a roguelike shooter game where the player uses his mouse to aim and throw gifts or coal at children, in order to collect Christmas Magic points. The player moves along a randomly generated map, beating levels, collecting gifts from elves, and buying upgrades at elven shops. The final level is a high score mode, where children will respawn until the player runs out of gifts, and the objective is to obtain the highest amount of points possible. 

RETRO: We mixed low-quality assets with finely-designed arts assets to remind of the past where resources were scarce, fitting with the retro theme. Some music assets also use a retro style. Furthermore, the verse from which we based the theme of our game is from a song written in 1934, which is very much retro. This goes without accounting for the genre of the game: roguelike, which debuted in the 1980s, fitting perfectly with the retro period

BLINDNESS: Map nodes that haven't been explored yet are shadowed out, hence blindness. 

Programmers: Sassou#6815, anise

Artist: ammsapphire#0474 (Ammara Khalid)

Composer: Mai-chan#1867 (Miles "Chuunibyou" Yalzin)

Link to Source Code:  https://github.com/MGuo763/KuriusHacksCE2021


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is it me or its stuck on unity loading page

it (kinda) works now. just gotta zoom out a bunch